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Re: question - Turco-Japanese (a thought experiment for the group here)

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 23, 2004, 8:35
Quoting Rodlox <Rodlox@...>:

> > > Got a thought experiment for everyone...remember, there is no wrong answer > (last I checked)... > > I once read that the bulk of Chingis Khaan's army was composed of Turkic > soldiers. > > I also read that the Mongol army twice attempted to invade Japan.
While it true that Turks made up much of the Mongol armies, particularly in the west, the armies invading Japan consisted, if memory serves, mostly of Mongols, Chinese and Koreans.
> WHAT IF... > > what if one of those invasion attempts had been succeessful to at least a > small degree?
That's very possible - it was a close thing, and the Japanese were helped by storms wrecking the Mongols' fleet (whence the word _kamikaze_ "divine wind").
> what would a Turco-Japanese creole or hybrid language be like? whose > grammar do you think it would resemble more? any quirks that might appear, > based upon tendancies among the speakers of the parent populations? > > thoughts?
As said, a successful Mongol invasion of Japan might not have resulted in many Turks ending up there. I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with either Turkic nor Japanese to be of much further help. Andreas


Rodlox <rodlox@...>
Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>