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Re: Web Space

From:julien eychenne <eychenne.j@...>
Date:Monday, August 19, 2002, 6:30
On Sun, 18 Aug 2002 23:39:07 +0200
Eamon Graham <robertg@...> wrote:

> Since I am a French resident (and my fiancée has > a Tiscali account in fact) I might go that route.
Hi, I didn't know you were a french resident. Actually, almost every provider gives you a webspace when you subscribe. I guess you read (at least) french, so here is a page that compairs several providers : I use both free (only the webspace) and wanadoo (email and webspace) and both are add-free. The problem with Free is that they are often busy, as a LOT of people chose this excellent provider. Another point that could interest you is : they provide a 1 MB free and add-free webspace. The interesting thing is that they give you a free domain name (for example so you can put your welcoming page there, and make hyperlinks to the other pages on your 100MB webspace :)). If you check for "hébergement gratuit" (without double quotes) in google, you'll find a lot of convenient way to get your conlangs hosted on the Web :). Can I ask you where you live in France? I live (only for studies) in Toulouse. Julien


Eamon Graham <robertg@...>