Am 21.12.01, Matthew Kehrt yscrifef:
> I seem to be the only one in the world in favor of keeping pennies. It
> seems silly to have the smallest coin be worth 5 units and have all
> other denominations multiples of this.
I wouldn't mind getting rid of the nickel either. It's just about
as worthless and equally a nuisance.
> It would make more sense to
> redefine the value of pennies to be five times their face value and work
> up from there. (Easier said than done, of course.)
Well, yes. A complete revaluation of the currency would work.
It's not that hard - just about every country in the world has
done it; many have done it lots of times. Our current sutiation
really doesn't warrant such a move though!
> -M
Bethes gwaz vaz ha leal.