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Re: Recalled to life

From:Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>
Date:Monday, October 14, 2002, 20:50
--- David Peterson <DigitalScream@...> wrote:

> Hey, I was wondering: How did you create that > webpage? It was formatted > *perfectly* on my end with the bold and everything, > and I have a Mac--and I > wasn't using a monospace font. How did you do > that?
From the Code, it looks like it was done in Word Perfect. It's very easy to write and edit an html file in WP. I tried it once, just to see how it works. In stead of a standard WP file (intended for publishment on paper), you type text and insert graphics into an html file. It's wysiwyg just like the standard file type, so you know what you're going to end up with as you type or import text from elsewhere. I don't do it cos I like to code manually; but this is certainly not a bad solution if you don't want the hassle of messing about with manual html coding.
> I don't have Word,
Good for you!
> I > have Appleworks. And I've always been interested > in creating webpages...
Try creating a New File, and see if it gives you options for making a web file in stead of a regular wordprocessing file.
> -David
Padraic. ===== Camifi, Marusi, teterani, tester fuferios asteros; tamenio vem Persaecion empuriase ed ec pasem emduriase. -Pomperios Perfurios. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More