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Re: Scripts

From:Rik Roots <rikroots@...>
Date:Sunday, February 24, 2002, 20:09
> Just wanted to ask a few questions— >
Fire away
> How many of you have scripts? >
Gevey has a script, but can also use the latin alphabet The script can be seen at
> How many of you use diacriticals as vowels in your scripts? >
Nope. However, the latin version uses marks over initial vowels to show whether the word requires w, h or y sound before it, when the word follows a word ending in a vowel.
> How many of you have null letters (letters that don't represent a sound) > to deal with the problem of diphthongs / multiple vowels per consonant? >
Each Gevey script letter has its own sound. No letters are combined to make different sounds - but then again, there are 52 letters in the alphabet. In the latin version, h is used to combine with other letters to produce new sounds, and certain combinations of vowel letterss are used for dipthongs etc. Rik -- The Gevey language reference