Re: First Post and Proto-Conlang rough sketch
From: | Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> |
Date: | Thursday, March 1, 2007, 1:43 |
Yukatado writes:
>...> Hello all ye good members of the ConlangML!
> My name is Jason, (although I would prefer to just go by my online
> handle, Yukatado) and I've been a lurker on this list for since . . . I
> think around 2003, if I remember correctly, but I've never posted yet. I
> suppose it is high time for me to finally introduce myself.
Welcome to the list, Jason^H^H^H^H^HYukatado! :-)
> Here's a rough sketch of what I would like to do for the
> Proto-Language itself:
>...> pet pent pents plents splents
> pert perts plerts splerts
> pets peyts pleyts spleyts
> peyt plent pwents spwents
> plet plert pwerts spwerts
> pwet plets pweyts spweyts
> spet pleyt spents
> pwent sperts
> pwert speyts
> pwets splent
> pweyt splert
> spent splets
> spert spleyt
> spets spwent
> speyt spwert
> splet spwets
> spwet spweyt
It's nice to see this designed in so much detail!
Is there a design goal behind excluding 'r' when 'l' is allowed after
plosives? It would feel like a natural pair to be included, with the
possible exception of excluding 'l' after alveolar stops. (This may
be a Latin-centric question :-)).
Similarly, since the 'w' glide is allowed, is there a reason to
exclude 'j'?
This is a question out of curiosity -- I could imagine reasons or
design goals easily that would make the above the first choice.
> kwes + peyt > kwospyt [kwospit]
> peyt + kwes > poytkws [pojtkus]
> Do relative clauses typically take a relative pronoun if the clause
> precedes the noun it modifies,
I suppose not.
>...> or do they typically dispense with it as in Japanese?
More like that. In Mandarin, too. And if you compare participle
constructions in German, those are similar, too.
Have you had a look at internally headed relative clauses (IHRC)?
I like them a lot and they are elegant for some purposes and since
Japanese has them, your can investigate easily from where you are. :-)
> Anyway, any thoughts on the project, advice, help, whatever, is
> welcomed and appreciated!
Very nice! Would be nice to read more!