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Re: I'm new!

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>
Date:Saturday, October 21, 2000, 19:49
* James O'Connell <jamestomas2@...> [001020 22:07]:
> Thank you all for the compliments! > > Anyway, to make it readable I have quickly html-ised the language texts and > it is now reachable at - it's > still not perfect but it is ok. Any comments appreciated. > Look forward to talking again to you all later.
Ah the pages were more readable, yes. *whoa* Just surfacing from reading a book straight through in one sitting, slightly disoriented, me... Ah yes, syntax reminds me of my first lang of any usable size, Panowa; are you by any chance taking German lessons? Welcome James, and if you weren't ruthlessly efficient at sorting large amounts of mail before, you'll either learn real fast or leave the list real fast :) t., wondering where (when) the sun went