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Re: The deliberate redundancy; was: Idioms

From:Yoshiko McFarland <kamos@...>
Date:Friday, June 11, 1999, 19:05
Hi Chris-san
> then my Tokyo friends always laughed at me when I > went to visit them ......
I heard that Osaka-ben users of foreigners are increasing recently and they are usually more popular than standard Japanese users. If you use Osaka dialect, you can assert your opinion with much gentle and soft atmosphere.
> How many of you have created dialects like these in your conlangs?
I've never created but I supporse Earth Language(EL) has as many dialects as the world has. Because everybody use their own language vocally to read EL. Just like '2+3=' is read vocally in many ways but can be understood the same thing. English, French,,, Esperanto,, all become one dialect of the earth people, that is my dream. Yoshiko -------------------------- The Earth Language Homepage: