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Re: The deliberate redundancy; was: Idioms

From:Chris Peters <alpha_leonis@...>
Date:Friday, June 11, 1999, 1:15
Christophe Grandsire is the victim of snipping:

>like a woman must be somewhat weird. BTW, I know that in some tribes (of >Australia I think), men and women speak entirely different dialects. To >what extent does this exist in Japanese? Do differences between man-talking >and woman-talking appear even in the lexicon and the syntax or only in some >choices of particles (use of o-, of wa instead of yo as a terminal >particle)?
I understand that the differences between gender-speech in Japanese is traditionally limited to formality ... I don't think they'd be classified as "dialects" per se. (Unless there's a different definition of dialect than the one I use, which is more or less comes out of geographic or class difference instead of gender.) But that tendency is decreasing nowadays as women are taking more control of their own lives, and they speak less formally than before. --- Chris _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit