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Re: Caucasoid

From:Y.Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 5, 2002, 10:17
Shalom, Jan!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jan van Steenbergen <IJzeren_Jan@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Caucasoid

> >Yitzik's "Caucasoid" Conlang Project (P-6 for short, meaning "Project
> >6)Extreeeemely Preliminar Sketch > > Wow! I have never heard of a Caucasian-based conlang, but it must be a > great thing to give birth to one.
It's NOT Caucasian-based, unfortunately. It's just Caucasian-inspired, mainly in phonology. Moreover, it's not yet a well-devised project, but just an idea that visited me a couple of years ago, and has not been developed yet.
> Unfortunately, I cannot read the text in > either of the two documents, but nevertheless I like it already.
Then wait for translits! ( Don't you have ANY Cyrillic support?
> My only advise would be to create a nicer name for it, one that does not > sound like a post-Soviet nuclear missile ;)
That's a provisional name for an idea, a concept... When it becomes a bit more mature, it gets a REAL name...
> By the way, P-6 sort of implies the existence of P-1 thru P-5 ???
Right! I'm "pregnant" with ca. 20 "ideas" now, but have got VERY little time to work them over...
> Waiting impatiently! Sorry to depend on transliteration schemes, because I > like Cyrillic scripts and I have no problems reading them. > > Carry on! > > Jan
With friendly attitude, Yitzik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~