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Re: reformed English Grammar, by me.

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Monday, January 14, 2002, 10:08
In a message dated 08.01.2002 11:51:00 PM, anstouh@YAHOO.COM.AU writes:

>I'm afraid they aren't English. I realise this is revised English, but >we should at least make them look English, shouldn't we? >
Besides a spelling reform of some kind (perhaps 1/2 Cut Spelin & an adapted phonetic system based on I.T.A. [International Teaching Alphabet], I think it would be intriguing to follow Steven Roger Fischer's predictions for the English language (as described at some length in his _History of Language_, "Future Indicative," pages 214-220). He describes a possible World English that is more influenced by Latin American Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin) {as well as other languages, technoculture and slang}. In another word's, an English simplified somewhat more along an isolating/analytical language than ever before, but not a "mutant English" pidgin nor quite yet a literate* creole. (* "Literate" as in having: -> international status in statistics/officialdom, -> a set system of both phonology and Romanized phoneticization, -> the beginnings of a literary canon) ... just tossin' me 2 euro in... czHANg23, Avatar of Sun WuKong, a.k.a. "Monkey," a.k.a. "TricksterGod of the Han Chinese" ~ om hung hanumatay rudratmakai hung phat ~ - mantra to Hanuman the Hindu Monkey God