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Re: FYI re: Greenberg's Universals

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 4, 2000, 4:25
Leo Moser wrote:

> > Hmm. No Mandarin?? How did he miss it, it being such a prominent (and > > prominently isolating) language in the Orient? > >Because he already had a Sino-Tibetan language in >the form of Burmese.
Ah. Of course. I need to brush up on the Sino-Tibetan family. :-) So he would choose something like Burmese to escape the close proximity of Chinese to Korean and Japanese, which he wanted to include. That makes perfect sense. =============================== Marcus Smith AIM: Anaakoot "When you lose a language, it's like dropping a bomb on a museum." -- Kenneth Hale ===============================