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Re: Italian Particles

From:Tim Smith <timsmith@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 20:00
At 02:52 AM 4/22/2000 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
>Sally Caves scripsit: > >> So... what you're saying is that analytic languages, like English, are >> PERFORCE subject first? Or verb subject? Hmmm. I don't see why that >> can't be formally broken. > >I think there is a pressure toward SVO in languages that don't mark case, >simply so that ellipsis works: you can have VO or SV, and there's no doubt >what's meant. In verb-first or verb-last languages, it's not clear whether >a single argument is S or O.
Good point. In principle, OVS accomplishes the same thing; the important thing is that it's verb-medial. But SVO is more "natural" because the subject is the topic a much higher percentage of the time than the object. - Tim