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Re: Italian Particles

From:Tim Smith <timsmith@...>
Date:Saturday, April 22, 2000, 16:49
At 10:49 AM 4/21/2000 -0400, Muke Tever wrote:
> >How about something like Spanish "Me gusta comer manzanas"? Where "comer >manzanas" is the subject of the verb _gustar_. > >('Me' isn't topic; to make the speaker topic wants "A mí me gusta...")
My knowledge of Spanish is limited, but I think what's happening here is that there's more than one kind of topic. (See Matt's comment about "sentence-level topics" vs. "discourse-level topics".) In your first example, "me" actually _is_ the topic (and as such, it's fronted even though it's not the subject), but it's a sentence-level topic and old information, and therefore doesn't get any emphasis. (If it were the subject, it wouldn't be a separate word at all, but would appear only as a first-person singular agreement suffix on the verb.) In your second example, "a mí" is introducing a new discourse-level topic, and therefore it's both fronted and stressed. The unstressed sentence-level topic "me" is still there, even though in this case it happens to be coreferential with the contrastive discourse-level topic. - Tim