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Re: Italian Particles

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 3:23
Tim Smith wrote:

> >What if certain brain structures dictate speech patterns? I have > >wondered > >about that. > > I think so, at least to some extent. (In that, at least, I'm a Chomskyan, > although on the whole I find the functional-typological approach to > linguistics more interesting than the generativist approach. (But I don't > regard the two as mutually exclusive, as I said at perhaps excessive length > a few weeks ago.)) Of course, since I gather the Teonaht speakers aren't > exactly human, there's no reason why they should have the same brain > structures. But I also think that there are probably functional reasons > for generally putting topic before comment; other things being equal, it's > probably easier to parse a sentence if the speaker tells you up front what > it is they're talking about.
Tim, I GET it!! :-) SHEESH! This is beginning to sound like a T. bashing session. How many times do you think you can say, this structure isn't natural for x, y, and z reasons? So what if it isn't? That's its beauty. Thanks for the references.
> > - Tim
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