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Re: Unilang: the Grammar

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Thursday, April 26, 2001, 13:36

Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...> writes:
> > So, you can freely combine "come" or "go" optionally with a direction, > > or a mode of motion, or both. I 've never thought about it before, but > > this system seems rather neat and elegant to me. Anywyay, just thought > > I'd share. > > > > What a neat system!!! I love it! Maybe I'll borrow it for a future conlang of > mine? :))
I like that too. I'm still thinking about how to make it nice in Tyl-Sjok which does not allow compositions like that. You need to use auxiliaries for place, time and manner. Currently, `to walk' translates `move use foot'. And `Peter runs into the house' would be `Peter fast move use foot arrive-at X interior'. But that's so long! Probably `move' would be dropped, but that doesn't help too much. Furthermore, it's a but inconsistent to allow `fast' direct modification, but not `foot'. Hmm... I don't know how my language works. I need more investigation. :-(
> BTW, is Chinese as strict as Japanese when it comes to choose between "come" and > "go", or is it more liberal like English or French?
Hmm. What do you mean? Like using `go' not for the mere action but for the result? I go to the cinema. This isn't possible in Chinese. You'd say: wo3 qu4 kan4 dian1-ying3. I go watch film. The direct translation, wo3 qu4 dian1-ying3-yuan3. I go cinema. would mean to go there, but not implying to watch a film. But the other usages I found quite the same as in English: ni3 gen3 wo3 lai2! you with me come Come with me! ni3 dao4 wo3 zhe4-li3 lai2! you to me here come. Come to me! ni3 dao4 ta1 na4-li3 qu4! you to him/her there go. Go to him! wo3 qu4 guo4 tai2-wan1. I go EXP Taiwan. (EXP is an aspect marker for a completed action and a completed result) I (once) went to Taiwan. wo3 lai2 le0 tai2-wan1. I go PERF Taiwan. (PERF is an aspect marker for a completed action but a non-completed result) I've come to Taiwan. I hope I made no mistakes... ?? Or was the question about something completely different? :-) **Henrik


SuomenkieliMaa <suomenkieli@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>