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Re: NATLANG: French spelling questions

From:Remi Villatel <maxilys@...>
Date:Sunday, February 29, 2004, 5:30
Remi Villatel wrote:

>> Are there any French words that contain _gg_ >> pronounced [gZ]. BTW are there any words >> with [gZ] at all?
> I don't think so. No [gZ] but [gz] in French. And if I encounter an italian > word with "gg", I would instinctively pronounce it [dZ]. > > arpeggio [aRpEdZjo]
Well, I spoke too fast... Trebor is right, [gZ] exists in French. <suggérer> [sygZeRe] = to suggest <suggestibilité> [sygZEstibilite] = suggestibility <suggestif> [sygZEstif] = suggestive <suggestion> [sygZEstjO~]= suggestion <suggestionner> [sygZEstjone] = to influence by means of suggestion <suggestivité> [sygZEstivite] = suggestivity People often pronouce these "gg" just [Z]. In my mouth, they sound more like [?Z], not so far from [dZ] (Too much english! ;-) or [Z.Z] <Je suggère que...> [Z2 syZ.ZE:Rk2] = I suggest that... <Si je peux faire une suggestion...> [si Sp2 fERyn:sy?ZEs.sjO~] = If I can make a suggestion... To pronouce "stion" as [s.sjO~] instead of [stjO~] belongs to my local lect. Definitively country ways! ;-) See ya, ===================== Remi Villatel =====================


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>