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Re: sending mail to the list

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, April 26, 2001, 20:59
Matt (SuomenkieliMaa) wrote

>Hello everyone! > >This is my first time to the list, I'm a new-comer. >Just a quick 'hi' to introduce myself, and to say that >I'm glad there are other people interested in creating >languages (as I thought I was the only one with such a >unique hobby). I just hope I haven't sent to the >wrong place
This is the place!
>In the future, I hope to ask for advice on something >I'm concocting called "Vya:a:h" (cultural background >pending too) which is a bit of a spin-off language of >Finnish (esp. the Finn "a:" and "y") yet with its own >character system like Cambodia; and holding lots of >logically-formed, but beautiful-sounding consonant >clusters like Polish.
Fascinating! Looking forward.