Jim Henry wrote:
> On 12/21/05, Jefferson Wilson <jeffwilson63@...> wrote:
>>Aidan Grey wrote:
>>>It look scool, but there really isn't enough explanation of how the
>>>glyphs work for me to make heads or tails of what's going on.
>>What do you mean by "how the glyphs work?"
>>What do you think should be in this section?
> You say that glyphs are composed from symbols, and then
> you give examples of complete glyphs, but don't explain
> how they are composed from their component symbols.
> It would help to take one or two of the simpler glyphs like "Explore"
> and explain step-by-step how it is composed -- maybe
> one example from the common system and one from
> the arcane system.
I'm not sure I understand. How does this differ from saying
"words are composed of letters in the following pattern . . ."?
What more information do you need?
> You might also break down the "2005"
> number example and show which component symbols
> are which digits, perhaps with an image map like the ones
> you used for glosses on the Babel text.
Will work on this tonight.