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Re: Language changes, spelling reform (was Conlangea Dreaming)

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, October 14, 2000, 1:42
On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 14:15:34 -0700, jesse stephen bangs
<jaspax@...> wrote:

>ObOrthography: The other day I found out that my favorite Vietnamese >noodle dish, pho, is actually pronounced [fV] (minus the tones, which I >won't even attempt.) I had assumed it was something like [pO], where >the {h} in the spelling represented aspiration, or [Po] with a bilabial >fricative. Pronouncing the {o} as [V] never even occurred to me
That's because it's not exactly an o, it's an o-with-a-hook or whatever that thing's called ... 01A1 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN (would you believe I just happened to have the Unicode 3.0 book handy?)