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Re: Language changes, spelling reform (was Conlangea Dreaming)

From:Irina Rempt <ira@...>
Date:Friday, October 13, 2000, 18:19
On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, jesse stephen bangs wrote:

(and someone else wrote:)

> > I actually really like Dostoyevsky, but damn it's dense.
> I *loved* _The Brothers Karamazov_, although it was certainly one of the > most difficult books I've ever read.
People keep telling me that I'm bound to love Dostoyevsky because of other things I read, things I write, things I say, things I think, etcetera. I've tried four or five times and I just *don't* like it. Not because it's too hard (perhaps it is, but so were dozens of other books that I kept reading anyway because I was interested; even _The Lord of the Rings_ at nine or ten), but because it's steeped in Russian culture, and despite the fact that I go to the Orthodox church and have a Slavic name (my choice) I don't feel at home in Russian culture. Irina -- Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself)