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Re: Capitals in Greek (was: Re: Workshops Review #4)

From:Thomas Leigh <thomas@...>
Date:Thursday, January 16, 2003, 12:34
Danny Weir:
 >> Just out of curiosity, when are capitals used in modern Greek?
 >> I remember once  leafing through a Greek newspaper just for fun
 >> and finding much fewer capitals than I expected, but I'm totally
 >> in the dark as what the rules are for their use.
 > I think it's a similar convention to that of French or Spanish: proper
 > nouns are capitalized (example: "America"), but not adjectives (thus
 > "american", not "American"). Days of the week and months of the year
 > are also non-capitalized.

I've always seen the days and months capitalized. But you're right about
  adjectives derived from proper nouns.

Barry Garcia:
 > Capitals are used for proper nouns, and at the beginnings of
 > paragraphs or quotations, but not at the beginning of each sentence.

No, each sentence always begins with a capital letter.

Thomas (erstwhile Greek student)


Tristan <kesuari@...>