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UNRELATED: Chronological history

From:Carlos Thompson <chlewey@...>
Date:Sunday, January 10, 1999, 0:51
For my Hangkerim project I'm interest in knowing which details would have=

affected the relationships between America and Europa since 1492 AD.  (As=
supose in H. timeline that the few sporadic contacts between the old an t=
he new
world prior that date had not affected Euroasian history)
I once had at home a hardcover Chronological History at home but I can't =
that book.  Does anybody knows about a good web site with a chronological=

history of Europe from 1492?

   Chlewey Thompin                              ## ####     ## ## ##
------------------------------------------------##-## ##
   - =BFPor qu=E9 no?
   - No tiene sentido.
   - =BFQu=E9 sentido?  El sentido no existe.
   - El sentido inverso.  O el sentido norte.  El sentido com=FAn, tal ve=
z.  O sin
sentido, como aqu=ED.
    (-- Graeville 2)