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Re: Improved (Short) Ygyde

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Sunday, April 13, 2003, 21:46
For the record, I think at least some Pidse will come from this dialect;
it should provide more fun with the extra consonant clusters.

Pidse /wID@/ is a conlang based on an evolved, or withered, form of
Ygyde, one of the world's best IALs.[1] One of the designing principles
of it was to make Ygyde more interesting, but the *real* one was because
I'm disappointed that Maggel is more maggelous than Etabnanni, which is
in obvious dire need of correction. Maggel may well end up being more
maggelous than Pidse, but at least I started out with a regular
language. The orthography is a chain-shifted form of a reasonably
conservative form of the language (the P is a wynn).

[1]: at least, it can't be any worse than the world's worse IAL.


On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 03:46, Andrew Nowicki wrote:
> Some 7 letters long words of the Ygyde language sound > like a staccato. I made them shorter by removing either > second identical vowel or second identical consonant. > The shorter words sound better. Examples: > > angular velocity = ozilaly == ozilay = "noun mobile angle number" > adhesive bandage = ybiliwa == ybilwa = "noun sticky medical tape" > border, edge = ytutini == ytuini = "noun inner outer path" > clay = ybibafe == ybiafe = "noun sticky geological powder" > decision = ynynona == ynyona = "noun false true calculation" > eel = ybubobo == ybuobo = "noun slippery wet animal" > material = ojoloso == ojolso = "noun clean atom group" > nail polish = owewawy == oweawy = "noun pretty tape surface" > > Ygyde description: > Ygyde dictionary:


Andrew Nowicki <andrew@...>