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Re: USAGE: No rants! (USAGE: di"f"thong)

From:Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>
Date:Monday, May 29, 2006, 17:13
on 5/29/06 7:46 AM, Henrik Theiling at theiling@ABSINT.COM wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > 1) Do you think English spelling should be reformed? > > [ ] No, it should not be reformed > [X ] Yes, it should be reformed, but only slightly > [ ] Yes, and we need a whole now spelling > [ ] I don't care > > 2a) Do you think English spelling is phonemic? > > [ ] Yes > [X ] No > [ ] I don't know > [ ] I don't care > > 2b) Do you think English spelling is phonetic? > > [ ] Yes > [X ] No > [ ] I don't know > [ ] I don't care > > 3a) Do you think English spelling should be phonemic? > > [ ] Yes > [X ] No > [ ] I don't care > > 3b) Do you think English spelling should be phonetic? > > [X ] Yes > [ ] No > [ ] I don't care > > 4) Which spelling would you prefer for current 'laugh'? > > [ ] laugh > [X ] laff > [ ] laf > [ ] larf > [ ] _______ > [ ] I don't care > > If you only answered 'I don't care' or 'I don't know' up to here, > rethink whether you are really interested in this poll... > > 5) Who is the most important group of people you think of when > proposing/rejecting a spelling reform? > > [ ] People who can read already and just want to keep on reading > undisturbed. (This is probably the largest group of living > people now). > > [ ] L1 learners of English > > [X ] L2 learners of English [This will be the largest group of people > if time is considered and we wait for 100 years.) > > [ ] Myself, I cannot read/write properly/have had problems learning it. > > [ ] _________________ > > 6) How should one cope with different dialects? > > [X ] By neglecting distinctions made in some dialects. > [ ] By considering all distinctions made in dialects. > [ ] By using historical state of English and base the spelling on it. > [ ] By defining a standard dialect and use it regardless of variants. > [ ] By using a semantics based writing system. > [ ] __________________ > > 7) Have you thought about or (tried to) invent(ed) a spelling reform > yourself? > > [X ] Yes > [ ] No > > 8) Which other lang do think needs a spelling reform? > > [ ] Chinese > [ ] Danish > [ ] Faeroese > [ ] French > [ ] German > [ ] Japanese > [X ] Italian > [ ] __________ > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------