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Re: Selenites (was Re: equinox)

From:Dale Morris <dmorris12@...>
Date:Saturday, September 26, 1998, 6:04
     Hi guys, I once read this really cool series about the settling of the
moon (they called their nation the Selenarchy after awhile), and it was cool
because it was a race of genetically engineered people fit for life and
childbearing on the moon.  Another cool thing was that their psychology was so
different that they invented their own "Lunarian" language.  A very cool read
which incorporates other language stuff (like the Hispanicisation of the
English everyone uses).  Oh yeah, the books are by Poul Andersen...The Stars
Are Also Fire was my favourite one.
    I think they had their own calendar with "daycycles".

randdom junk at 1am
Dale Morris