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Re: My girlfriend is a conlanger!

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, March 14, 2003, 13:49
En réponse à Daniel Andreasson Vpc-Work <daniel.andreasson@...>:

> > I don't know. Perhaps my references weren't clear enough, > or she was just too shy about it. Conlanging is a personal > thing, you know. :) >
Well, since I've never been secretive about it, it's difficult for me to imagine that :) .
> > Well, we didn't start bouncing around my apartment, we > were both kinda calm.
Too bad, I kind of imagined you too bouncing a la Tigger ;))) . But we are calm people. I think
> she liked it very much though, because she opened up > completely and so did I. >
> (I *am* a fan of bouncing though. It just didn't seem > right at that moment. :) >
> The best thing about all this is that I can talk to > someone about conlanging. It is a rather big hobby > of mine, and not being able to share it with someone, > not even your girlfriend, is a bit sad. You know how > it is. "What are you doing?" "Oh, I'm just writing some > stuff". You wouldn't say "I'm creating a language and > I'm proud of it as well!" At least I wouldn't.) >
I would. In fact, I did already. My boyfriend, although not sharing my interest at all, respects it because it is my interest :) .
> > We'll see what more info I can give you. It'd be neat > to give you some sentences.
Indeed! Christophe. It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.