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Re: OT: Conlangea Dreaming

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Friday, October 6, 2000, 2:14
"M.S. Soderquist" wrote:

> I thought it was interesting that the queen's name was closer to > "Elizabeth" than "Isabel". I only saw it in print under her portrait, so > I don't know what that "h" is doing in there in the name-- whether there > is the th ('thorn') sound (spelled 'ht'), if it is silent, or if it does > something to the "e" right before it.
You were dreaming in Teonaht, obviously! <G> The "ht" is telling. The name in T. is Lihsbehhtita, and pronounced "lish-beth-THETA." I'm not surprised that she was presiding over a lush tropical landscape. I don't what the Spanish and Portuguese were doing there; perhaps she was an invited guest. :-) :-)
> I am thinking about doing something conculturish with this island > nation, and creating the language as I go along. :)
Dreams can be so inspiring! Definitely go ahead on this!!! Sally ========================================================== "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================