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Re: OBNatlang: German Pronunciation

From:Nikhil Sinha <nsinha_in@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 3, 2003, 9:29
>"Joe" <joe@...> likis: > <<Carsten is most definately not the youngest member, I am. > I was born Feb.1, 1988 and Im in 10th grade.>> > > Actually, I think that would be me , by a few months(though I'm not 100% > sure - there are a few other 15 year olds on the list). I was born on the > 29th of April, 1988. Now, how about finding the oldest member of the
list? I was born on September 5, 1987 and I didn't know there were so many people (at least 2 or 3) here of my age. Nikhil