Christophe Grandsire wrote:
>En réponse à Tristan <kesuari@...>:
>>Oh, that's just because I'm evil.
>I know :)) .
Yay! You've recognised it!
>Well, you were overthrown as soon as you said that Etabnanni was failing to
>reach maggelity ;))) . You just cannot be my evil ;))))))))))))))) .
Oh, I'm pretty sure that Widse will get me somewhere. It'll have such an
aparition of regularity that when you learn that it isn't, you'll really
be shocked. (Muahahah!)
>>Oh, okay. If a natlang does it, it must be alright. Let's have a
>>sometimes rhyme-and-reasonless evolutionary pattern! (Now I'm never
>>going to be able to turn my knowledge of the evolution from Ygyde to
>>Widse into something other people can deal with...)
>Which seems to be part of the point I think ;))) .
Lol, perhaps :) Maybe I *do* want it to be an Auxlang then :P
>>Well... you just haven't seen that much of Etabnanni. It tends to be a
>>nice mix of mono- and bisyllabic, actually. Remember: I have this
>>aversion to onsets :)
>True, but I had the impression that most roots were at least bisyllabic... My
>bad, then :( .
Well, the roots of Etabnanni is Tab /Ta:2f/ and _nanni_ 'language'
/n&2n/, which even in Middle Etabnanni (when they're pronounced /ta:b/
and /nanni/) aren't especially long. Though the latter is still bisyllabic.
>>Well, what're you waiting for? Design a timemachine and teach it to
>>evolving hominids!
>Two problem: "design a timemachine" and "teach" ;)))))))) . The worse problem
>being of course teaching ;))))) .
Well, if you aren't going to bother trying, don't complain! :P
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