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Re: Few vs. a few

Date:Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 15:34
> [] On Behalf Of caeruleancentaur
> I notice a difference in connotation in these two expressions.
"A few
> people attended the meeting," means simply that there was a small > number in attendance. "Few people attended the meeting" connotes
> certain disappointment: "There were not as many people in > attendance as we had expected." > > How do you handle this in your conlangs, especially if your > conlang has no indefinite article.
In Sasxsek: men = a quantity more than one (used as a plural marker) -im = (diminutive marker) him = to lack; deficit buk = expect; predict; prophesy menim = a few; a small plural number menis = many; a large plural number menimi ren = a few people / a small number of people himi ren = less people bukiri himi ren = expectedly less people