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Re: Typologic survey, part II

From:dirk elzinga <dirk.elzinga@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 31, 2001, 17:07
On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, taliesin the storyteller wrote:

> ---- PART II Conlang Typlogic Survey 2001 ---- > > House-keeping data > > Name of the participating conlang:
> 2: Order of genitive (G), and noun (N)
> Is the order GN, NG or both?
> How is it shown?
The possessed noun bears a pronominal prefix.
> 3: Order of adjective (A) and noun (N) > Does the language have a closed class of adjectives?
> If there is not a separate open adjective-class, what type of words do > the work of adjectives, verbs or nouns?
> Regardless of being a separate class or not: > How are they similar, how do they differ from verbs and nouns?
There is no difference between "adjectives" and verbs.
> Can they take a copula (that is: need/don't need equivalent of "to be")?
There is no copula in Tepa. Dirk -- Dirk Elzinga "The strong craving for a simple formula has been the undoing of linguists." - Edward Sapir