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Re: Virus Translation Exercise

From:Stephen Mulraney <ataltanie@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 6, 2002, 19:13
Well, my nameless lang is undergoing severe surgery, to fix it's lack of
syntax and it damn grammar-eating 30-letter verbs, but technically the
new version is a related language, so I'll give both. (The new one is a
definite improvement - I don't need to constantly refer to charts and
tables in order to write it).

In writing this I've just realised how little I liked the old language,
and how much I like the new one ;)

OLD 8bit: fósatyefsa OR fósatyef 7bit: foosatyefsa OR foosatyef ipa :/fo:sAcEfsA/ OR /fo:sAcEf/ foos- a- tye- f/fsa love present.aor I you NEW (VOS!) sfohev et ipa: /sfohEv Et/ sfoh- e- v et love pr.aor you I Added illiteracy? NEW: SFOHEVTE (almost legal; see the word "evte" below)
> >> "I send you this file in order to have your advice"
OLD (uurgh, it's real ugly - skip ahead to the new maybe??) 8bit: guiveiynetyuwraf haty ranu kyn féagh tetemadhèynaethafsawrety cagdafsu 7bit: guiveiynetyuwraf haty ranu kyn feeagh tetemadh'ynaethafsawrety cagdafsu ipa :/g.uiv.eiynEcuwrAf hAc rAnu qyn fe:AG tEtEmAD@yn.aeTAfsAwrEc kAgdAfsu/ guiveiyne- tyu- wra- f haty ranu kyn feeagh te- temadh 'yn- send+valence+pres.perf I nounmarker you this file -so-that-- future tell valence aetha fsa wre ty cagda- fsu subj.pres you nounmarker me advice yours And now, new, streamlined, and faster than ever before --- rano ate ghebe de evte gennu sfae ghaune tetremafe etve ipa: /4Ano AtE GEbE dE EvtE gEnnu G.aunE tEt4EmAfE EtvE/ rano ate gheb- e de evte gennu sfae ghaune te- tremaf- e etve file this send * perfective_particle you-I so-that your advicea future tell * me-you * = "for future expansion" ;) I just started this project last night, so I don't know entirely how the verbs will work yet... I'm not happy with the 'evte' thing, and also this is the first phrase I've written that has an indirect object, and my intuition has been to treat the indir obj as a kind of adverbial phrase, putting it before the verb, unmarked as to case. Oh yes, the 'de' is stolen from mandarin, the spelling coming from two particles called 'de' and the meaning from one of the many uses of that marvelous word 'le'. ;) Added illiteracy? well the old one is illiterate enough, by it's very nature. As for the new one, maybe one could missay correct : rano ate ghebe de evte gennu sfae ghaune tetremafe etve unlitret: rano ate gebe evte gennu thee sfae gaune tetremafe etve What's wrong? gebe for ghebe - the past tense of a hypothetical verb 'gebe' would be 'ghebe', while the past tense of the actual verb 'ghebe' is 'hebe'. The writer removed an apparant past tense marker that was in fact part of the verb. Like strong-verb mistakes in english. (? "I SUNT YOU THIS FILE" ;) missing de: not grammatically wrong, but suggests the sending is still going on. This is the opposite of elegant - suggesting labour that isn't there ;). Probably wouldn't be noticed since 'gebe' is nonsense anyway. (except to the writer!). Still, duplicates the continuous effect of "I send you this file" added thee: wrong register. Over-the-top subjunctive particle - Paralells the awkward use of "in order to" in the original ;) gaune for ghaune: dictionary form is gaune, but is affected by lenition/seimhiú after the posessive 'sfae'. Not sure if this is ungrammatical yet, or simply the wrong meaning. e.g. Irish distinguises between 'his' and 'her' by presence or absence of lenition following the possessive: 'a mhadra' /A wAdrA/ his dog, 'a madra' /a mAdrA/ her dog. I could have added 'tretremafe' for 'tetremafe' - overenthusiastic reduplication to indicate the future. ;) OK, I think I've insulted the ficitonal writer enough. stephen


Y.Penzev <isaacp@...>