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Re: Portuguese (Was: French)

From:Roger Mills <romiltz@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 16:23
Andreas Johansson wrote:
> > /sT/ OTOH can occur at morpheme boundary (rare) e.g. > in "sixth" /sIks+T/ which I pronounce with an > intervening stop between the s and the T [sIks(t)T]. > > Would this intervening stop also appear in > "aesthete", where the /s/ > and /T/ are in different syllables? >
No. Nor in cases of mis+th... or un+th... (not many such words)...I've been trying to figure out if there's a rule; certainly in "sixth, warmth" it's probably because of the preceding cluster, but there's no cluster in "tenth, wealth" where it does occur. In "hundredth, thousandth" it's hard to say, because the finals d's may devoice e.g. ['hVndr@tT}?. Oho-- note my [strEnkth, lEnkth] -- as in "warmth" the intrusive stop is homorganic with the preceding nasal (sim. with -n+T). Also difficult to tell with "pantheon, panther, etc" because those words are less likely to occur in casual speech.