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Re: R: Moraic codas [was Re: 'Yemls Morphology]

From:Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 17, 2001, 16:32
And wrote:

> Luca, are you sure you're using a monowidth font in drawing your diagrams?
Excuse me... now I've seen what should be the source of the problems...
> I'm receiving them in plain text encoding, but they're out of alignment.
Does it work now? irma:dent || /\ || µµ µµ µµ \/ \/ \/ s s s /irma'dent/
> > > > But what would happen if the _a_ were short???
irmadent || /\ || µµ µ µµ \/ | \/ s s s /irma'dent/
> > What should I do with that mora there in, alone??? > > What's the problem? the /ma/ is a monomoraic syllable. Stress falls on > the rightmost bimoraic syllable, viz. /den/.
I thought that since most syllalbes should be (notice: should, this is a very very rough sketch) bimoraic, it would be odd having also mono-moraic (or uni-moraic?) syllables.
> BTW, the final /t/, being an onset, could be seen as a kind of > zero-moraic syllable... [NB I am not a Licensed Phonologist; Dirk is > our official phonology wonk and guru.]
But you surely know much, much more than I do on this matter... Luca


And Rosta <a.rosta@...>