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Re: Dacán -- a new romance lang.

From:Microtonal <microtonal@...>
Date:Friday, December 1, 2000, 3:41
Elliott Lash wrote:
> > I am introducing in this post a new Romance language, called Dacán > /DatS'a"n/ that I was inspired to do after reading several of the posts > that are going these days on the list. The only thing that I can say firmly > about it's history > is that it is spoken somewhere near where modern Romanian is spoken, > though perhaps a bit more to the east. > It is very Slavic influenced (not only in phonology, but also in > vocabulary). > I am going to start off a little oddly since I haven't worked out all the > kinks in > the phonological systems. I present here the number system as it stands. I'm > hoping any one out there with knowledge of the Slavic Number System (if that > indeed is a term), can help me out with them. General comments are also very > much welcome. > > unz una /wU:nz/ /wU:n@/ > dou due /dOU/ /dU:E/ > tris trá /tr'Is/ /tr'{/
> padur /padU"r/ > cimbe /tS'ImbE/
These two numbers strike me as having an opposite development of what they should. CL quattuor & quinque Assuming your ultimate sound change (kw -> tS), we get: /tSadUr/ & /tSImbE/ But you want some slavic influence. Russian (& general Slavic, as far as I know) for 5 is /pjat/. It strikes me that these two numbers would evolve opposite of what you have above, being: cadur /tSadU"r/ pimbe /pImbE/ In case you don't already have it, here's the Russian numbers up to 20: odin /@din/ dva /dva/ tri /t4i/ ch'tiri /tS@'ti"4i"/ pyat' /pjat/ shest' /Sest/ syem' /sjEm/ vosyem' /'vosjEm/ dyevat' /'djEv@t/ dyesat' /'djEs@t/ odinadsat' /@'din@dts@t/ dvenadsat' /dvjE'nadts@t/ trinadsat' /t4i'nadts@t/ ch'tirnadsat' /tS@'ti4n@dts@t/ pyetnadsat' /pj@t'nadts@t/ shestnadsat' /Sest'nadts@t/ syemnadsat' /sjEm'nadts@t/ vosyemnadsat' /'vosjEmnadts@t/ dyevatnadsat' /dvjE'nadts@t/ dvatsat' /dvats@t/ Hope this helps! -- Daniel Seriff Si me iterum insanum appelles, oculum alterum tuum edem. Wenn du mich nochmal verrückt nennst, werde ich deine andere Auge essen.