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Re: Conlang introduction

From:Yann Kiraly <yann_kiraly@...>
Date:Friday, November 19, 2004, 19:29
Thanks for your reply!
/c/ is pronounced [ts]. The words are generated like this:
1. Take the first consonant of an english word.
2. Mutate it according to the following sheme:
b, d, g -> m,n,l
v, f, th [T], th [D] -> s, z, x [x], q [S]
s, z, x, q -> v, f, th [T], dh [D]
h -> j [j]
j,y -> h
m,n,l/r -> p,t,k
p,t,k -> b, d, g
u->y [y]
c [ts] ->w
w->c [ts]
3. Do the same thing to the first vowel of the malayian word.
4. Do it again with the first consonant of the malayian word.
5. Now, add the mutated form of the first vowel in the english word.

Of course this meanins the language is not very close to either english or
malay, but has a consistant sound. Also, this makes vocabulary creation
very easy. I'm now using a different malayian dictionary, , because it is far more

PS: Do you think it matters that (almost) all words are CVCV?


H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>