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Re: How big

From:Irina Rempt <irina@...>
Date:Thursday, May 30, 2002, 11:28
On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:29, Nihil Sum wrote:

> You want to change it, do it! It gets more difficult as the language > grows, but it's YOUR project and thus it will NEVER reach a point > where you can't do whatever you want to it.
Erm, it doesn't work like that for everybody. I can fiddle with the *description*, and that will spawn some structural changes, but they never apply to things already there; they stay as obsolete or exceptions. If I took the language apart completely to overhaul it, it would be *destroyed*, dead. Building it again won't make it come alive again. It's an organically grown thing, not a construct. That's just a matter of how my brain works; I accept that it works the other way for other people. Irina -- Vesta veran, terna puran, farenin. Beghinnen can ick, volherden will' ick, volbringhen sal ick.


Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>