Re: TRANS: Pablo's .sig
From: | Christian Thalmann <cinga@...> |
Date: | Sunday, November 2, 2003, 16:42 |
--- In, Jan van Steenbergen
<ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote:
> Ha, Christian. I knew I could rely on you!
Tu servu. ;-)
> And yes, B5 is certainly a great
> source. So, here is another one (my own old .sig):
Wheee! Yet another translation exercise! =D
> "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so
> unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life
> were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us
> come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take
> great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness
> of the universe." --- J. Michael Straczynski
Xis, solivo binare droge ja ueda ere tan undsoumoenga.
[Sis sA'li:vA bi'na:r dro:g j y@d e:r tan ,undzu'maNg]
Tun hau coedade: ¿Nau ga ere pejore, si ja ueda ga ere
[tun ho ga'da:d no ga e:r pe'jo:r si j y@d ga e:r]
soumoenga, ed toze id terrivel, cod noe praedre, ga
[su'maNg et to:z it tEr'ri:v@l kA nAj 'prajd@r ga]
venire nos, cio verei id merime? Eor ja hoestildade
[ve'ni:r nAs ki@ 've:re i me'ri:m Er j@ ,haStil'da:d]
jendraele ed ja undsoumoengiduende ys uemmerdsun vae
[jen'drajl e j ,undzu,maNgi'dynd yz ym'mErdz@ vaj]
me sezan.
[m@ 'se:z@]
> (Sidenote: I don't know if Babylon 5 exists in IB, too (why not?),
but I'm
> quite sure JMS's name is nót "Straczynski" *there*. Perhaps a
Venedic name?)
Isn't -insky something like Latin -ensis? So maybe
|Stracze~szy|? ;-)
> > Solei xime ud simber fi nadun sub dollur.
> What kind of form is "fi"? In Wenedyk it would be the perfect tense,
but that
> would not exactly match the context.
It's the 3sg of the passive auxiliary verb |fire| "to be
made, to become". That would make the phrase "I was born
on..." rather complicated though: |Hau fide nadu in...|
[ho vi:d na:dz in]. Maybe I should reinterpret |nascer|
as "to be born" rather than "to give birth", so it would
become simpler: |Hau nadu in...| [ho na:dz in]. Then I
could coin a new word/phrase for "give birth", as in
English... =P I do such things far too rarely, sticking
to the Latin meanings for sheer laziness.
-- Christian Thalmann