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Re: Not, I repeat, this is Not a Translation Exercise...

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Friday, July 16, 1999, 0:34
On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, andrew wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Jul 1999, Padraic Brown wrote: > > You have my attention, but I want it back when you're finished with it!
Consider it given back. :)
> yno a-* alch gos. > one has some thing. > > > * I decided that Brithenig needs a consonant to break up vowel clusters > like these but I haven't decided which one it's going to be. I favour > using '-dd' in Brithenig because there is a little used sound change rule > that intervocalic yod can become -dd-. Possibly using '-t' or '-d' would > be more natural for Brithenig's origins and history. So I'm seeking > opinions.
I kind of like the idea of dd breaking up such pugnacious vowels. Usually, Kernu makes do with some kind of glide between such vowels (like la-h-acua or y-y-incci); except where one of its several (usually) silent case endings finds itself between vowels. Then the ending miraculously finds its voice and is used to separate vowels: il incus = /I'lINku/ but il incus uchoel = /I'lINku'suxoW(@)l/ the anvil the anvil of the gods [The "W" represents a characteristic Dumnonian sound that results from the splitting of certain final syllables (/or/ and /El/ & al) into bisyllables separated by a barely discernable labial glide element. In the North, Kernu speakers can be detected a mile away because of this, while in the South, Brithenig speakers are equally discernable, since they can't quite get it right.] y chathes = /i'xaT(@)/ but y chathes epistolants = /i'xat@sEpistul'ant/ the cats the cats letter-writing [Notice the rare fifth mutation (hardening) of chathes to chates. Of course, it _wouldn't_ show up in the orthography!] la acua mhrigid = /la~'nyaxwa~'vrIdjED/ the water cold [Hm. Spelling's not much help here!] Padraic.
> - andrew.