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Re: yet another romance conlang

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Thursday, January 6, 2000, 23:17
> Ju:dajca is spoken in an alternate-history conearth where the Romans > didn't succeed in wiping Judea off the map. a bit nicer than the romans > in RL, these con-romans' plan for stopping judean revolts was to attempt > to swamp the country with imperial colonists. contrary to their plans, > instead of the jews assimilating into the colonists, the colonists > assimilated into the judeans. however, the romans won out linguistically > as the acculturated colonists continued to speak their own dialect of > Romance, which eventually displaced Aramaic as the vernacular of Judea. > of course, many people resented this "linguistic imperialism" and refused > to speak the developing language, which was still derogatorilly called > something along the lines of "soldier-speak" until the standardizing > developments (including orthography) and political changes somewhere > around 1400-1700.
I suspect this conculture would have fought on teh side of the Crusaders in the 11-13th centuries?
> "Full writing" uses all distinguishing marks. > "Defective writing" marks vowel distinctions in Latin script and > consonant distinctions in Hebrew script, as well as using "mothers of > writing" (consnantal carriers) to mark vowels:
Concerning your written system: I don't see how having a boustrephedon mixed Latin/Hebrew script would be practical;. The code-switching required would be phenomenal, especially if it occured mid-sentence. I can see separate groups using one or the other, and I can imagine a third using Hebrew consonants and Latin vowels (perhaps after having eschewed the vowel diacritics for too many generations), but both mixed in full seems odd. Also, since this conculture is very split, we have to have the Judaean Peoples Liberation Front :) Would any of the groups use greek script? I'd love to create a Latin/something meld, but all the good ones seem to be taken, or too unlikely, or too hard to research. Latin/Arabic is essentially Maltese. Latin/Germanic is esentially English. Latin/Swahili is essentially improbable. Latin/Japanese is out there with the pixies. Hmm, wasn't there this group of Roman soldiers who got lost and ended up in China? --- Fabian Ikun li dik il-kitba tpatti it-tieba ta' qalb ta' patruni tieghi. Ikun li ttaffi ugigh tal-Mitlufin u tal-Indannati. Ikun li ilkoll li jaqraw il-kitba, qalbhom ihobbu is-Sewwa u l-Unur. U b'dak l'ghamil, nithallas tax-xoghol iebes.