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Re: German with Hanzi/Kanji/Hanja?

Date:Thursday, July 31, 2008, 14:02
> [] On Behalf Of Tristan McLeay
> I'm currently throwing up a few ideas with myself for Hanzi for > English. My starting-point for it is that it irritates me when people > pronounce words as they're spelt because they're spelt like that, so a > phonetic spelling reform probably isn't really what I want to do > anyway. (Also writing the like the Chinese might have certain > advantages.)
I really don't think that's easily possible. I've considered such a thing, not as a spelling reform, but just relexing Hanzi symbols with English labels. The problem is that the Hanzi are Semantically aligned with Chinese, that wouldn't align well with the semantic system of English. Now, if your considering a new logographic system designed specifically for English morphemes then the idea would work, though I doubt it would be very easy to learn. One of my many conlangs still in the conceptual stage would be to relex the Hanzi with monosyllabic roots from Western languages, but keep the Chinese grammar and semantics intact so it could be written in either Hanzi or a phonemic script. I'm still not sure the Western labels would work well so in the end I may just give them a priori names.


Tristan McLeay <conlang@...>