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Daily translation 9/28/2000 - catching up

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Friday, September 29, 2000, 19:13
English:   In quarreling about the shadow we often lose the substance
amman iar: soma nir elivas in ascalen vurie erorvorriel soma nir elivdil in
i garaglir erornedhiel
nathya:    som vur inascalenir nyovorus som incarlirir nyonethuil


amman iar:

\f In quarreling about the shadow we often lose the substance
\t soma    nir            elivas                 in
\m soma    ner  -i   -0   el-        -iv  -as    in
\g if/then I    -plu -[A] assertive- -hab -pres
\p cond    1per -num -nom mood-      -asp -tense ptp
\x if/then we             do           

\t ir  ascalen           vurie          erorvorriel
\m i   as=    calen -0   vur     -ie    er-  or=    borro -ie      -l
\g the start= light -[P] concern -assoc do-  compl= agree -agt/thm -actn
\p det vpfx=  n     -abs n       -pp    agt- pfx=   v     -val     -vc
\x the shadow            about          argue

\t soma    nir            elivdil                in         i
\m soma    ner  -i   -0   el-        -iv  -dil   in         i
\g if/then I    -plu -[A] assertive- -hab -fut the
\p cond    1per -num -nom mood-      -asp -tense ptp        det
\x if/then we             will          the

\t garaglir           erornedhiel
\m cara =glir    -0   er-  or=    nedho   -ie      -l
\g main =quality -[P] do-  compl= acquire -agt/thm -actn
\p n    =nsfx    -abs agt- pfx=   v       -val     -vc
\x substance          lose


\f In quarreling about the shadow we often lose the substance
\t som     vur   inascalenir       nyovorus                          som
\m som     vur   in-  ascalen -ir  ne-   -i   ovor  -u        -s     som
\g if/then about -    shadow  -the I-    -pl  argue -habitual -pres  if/then
\p cond    pp    abs- n       -det 1per- -num v     -asp      -tense cond
\x if/then about the.shadow        we.argue                          if/then

\t incarlarir          nyonethuil
\m in-  carlar    -ir  ne-   -i   oneth -u        -il
\g -    substance -the I-    -pl  lose  -habitual -fut
\p abs- n         -det 1per- -num v     -asp      -tense
\x the.substance       we.will.lose
