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Re: Scandinavian conlang

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Sunday, May 4, 2003, 13:29
At 14:08 2.5.2003 -0600, Dirk Elzinga wrote:

>It sounds Scandinavian to me, though the preaspirated geminates remind >me of Icelandic (where they're not geminate after being preaspirated). >Get to work on the orthography! I'm interested in pseudo-Scandinavian >orthographies for my nascent Ustekkli project. It wants to have a more >or less Germanic phonological cast (Norwegian and Frisian with some >Middle English thrown in) with a Southern Uto-Aztecan morpho-syntax.
It may interest you that as a part of my Vínlandic ramblings in Lucus have toyed with an Icelandic-based orthography for Iroquoian (essentially Mohawk). Also the demotic language of Vínland is an Iroquoian-creolized Old Norse (Basilectal Vínlenzka). Some of the sound-laws of Vinlandic -- even the acrolectal variety is phonetically quite different from New Icelandic and in some respects, like retention of the old system of quantity, is closer to Old Norse -- make for quainter spellings in this orthography than a knowledge of Icelandic might lead you to expect. Notably all varieties of Vinlandic have gone through a /T/ > /h/ change, so that Thorn comes to be used for /?/ in the Skraeling languages. / B.Philip Jonsson B^) -- (delete X!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No man forgets his original trade: the rights of nations and of kings sink into questions of grammar, if grammarians discuss them. -Dr. Samuel Johnson (1707 - 1784)