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Re: târuven vowels and diphthongs

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Monday, October 16, 2000, 0:12
On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 00:37:16 +0200 taliesin the storyteller
<taliesin@...> writes:
> The diacritic on the second vowel tells which of the two vowels that > is > reduced: > > - if it's a grave (`), it's the second that is weak/reduced > - if it's an acute ('), it's the first that is weak/reduced
> t.
- I use a similar convention in the Cyrillic transliteration of Rokbeigalmki. a {Y} with a 'falling accent' (grave) means the diphthong ends in /w/, a {backwards-N} with a falling accent means it ends in /j/, and the vowels {Ò} and {È} are, respectively, /O(@)/ and /e@/, which both to a greater (/e@/) or lesser (/O(@)/) extend have a schwa offglide. Btw, the legal diphthongs in Rokbeigalmki are: /ej/ /e@/ /&w/ /aj/ /aw/ /O(@)/ (not really a diphthong usually) /Oj/ -Stephen (Steg) "raq shemor li `aleha, `al me'or `eineha..."