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Re: Boreanesian in the Web (was: Why Triggers?)

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <zsau@...>
Date:Thursday, October 25, 2001, 8:08
At 09.45 a.m. 25.10.2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I'd rather have only HTML, if I can choose.
If the content's the same, why does it bother you whether you get HTML and PDF or just HTML? Choice is good.
>Den Haag-Eindhoven: 1h15 minutes of train.
Home to school: 1.15 by bus and train. Admittedly, that's a train that stops about every two minutes for stations and the bus takes half an hour to do what a car does in five minutes, but 1.15 nonetheless. From one side of the city to the other by bus, train and tram can take upwards of two hours. And apparently, Melbourne has a good PT system. I don't want to see a _bad_ one <shudders>.
>Den Haag-Groningen: 3h of train (approximately the same time as Den >Haag-Paris, >but in that case there is the high-speed train :) ).
Can't find anything there, but three hours travelling isn't much. It takes four hours to get to the snow by car.
>That's not what I call "near". Of course, each country has it's own point of >view.
As says the old addage, 'an Australian calls 100 years a long time, an Englisman 100 km a long way'. Tristan