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Re: Indo-Hittite

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, June 1, 2003, 14:48
John Cowan wrote:
> It certainly is a shock, but what's the point of devising new techniques > if they never tell us anything new?
True. They can learn from their mistakes :-)))) Anyhow, that sounds like a kind of
> small difference: Germanic as non-satem influenced by satem, or vice
Is big difference. Germanic/Baltic/Slavic sharing a common proto-stage??? Alas, my IE is rusty, but I'd certainly like to know their criteria. And as you know, there's always been debate about whether language families really break up in accord with neat branching tree structures. As I think Don Quixote often said (I paraphrase), "Ay amigo Sancho, en este mundo tan marvilloso, todo puede ser!"


Joe <joe@...>