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Re: Indo-Hittite

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Saturday, May 31, 2003, 23:28
Roger Mills scripsit:

> I think what discomfited most of the Cybalisters was the inclusion of > Germanic in the European satem node. Everyone agreed that BS and Gmc. had > certainly been _in contact_ but most thought that was the extent of it.
It certainly is a shock, but what's the point of devising new techniques if they never tell us anything new? Anyhow, that sounds like a kind of small difference: Germanic as non-satem influenced by satem, or vice versa. -- John Cowan "The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague." --Edsger Dijkstra


Roger Mills <romilly@...>