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Re: Dalmatian Grammar - an outline (Part 2)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 27, 2001, 8:40
En réponse à Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>:

> VERBS > > Verbs have the following forms: > > Presnt indicative > Imperfect indicative > Past Perfect indicative > Future indicative > Present subjunctive > Past subjunctive > Present conditional > Past conditional > Imperative >
No Perfect indicative (or Past simple)? Did the imperfect take over all past nuances?
> infinitive, past & present participles > > REGULAR -E VERBS: a dzimete "to forgive" > > PRESENT INDICATIVE IMPERFECT IND PAST PERF IND > > go dzimetesc go dzimeteyesc go su dzimetetu > tu dzimetes tu dzimeteyes tu yes dzimetetu > il dzimete il dzimeteye il ye dzimetetu > nos dzimetme nos dzimeteyme nos sme dzimeteti > vos dzimetes vos dzimeteyes vos ste dzimeteti > eis dzimeten eis dzimeteyen eis scia dzimeteti >
Looks nice!
> FUTURE IND > > go meu a dzimete / dzimetemeu > tu meres a dzimete / dzimetemeres > il mea a dzimete / dzimetemea > nos merme a dzimete / dzimetemerme > vos meres a dzimete / dzimetemeres > eis meren a dzimete / dzimetemeren >
Interesting to use "to go" for the future. Dalmatian didn't suffer as much Baltic influence as Romanian, did it? Or else I think it would have taken a future with "to want", like Romanian, Bulgarian or Modern Greek.
> PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE PAST SUBJUNCTIVE > > go bi dzimetetu go ai fusu bi dzimetetu > tu bi dzimetetu tu ais fusu bi dzimetetu > il bi dzimetetu il a fusu bi dzimetetu > nos bi dzimeteti nos ame fusi bi dzimeteti > vos bi dzimeteti vos aves fusi bi dzimeteti > eis bi dzimeteti eis au fusi bi dzimeteti >
Where does "bi" come from?
> PRESENT CONDITIONAL PAST CONDITIONAL > > go sce dzimete go sce dzimetetu > tu sce dzimete tu sce dzimetetu > il sce dzimete il sce dzimetetu > nos sce dzimete nos sce dzimeteti > vos sce dzimete vos sce dzimeteti > eis sce dzimete eis sce dzimeteti >
Same question with "sce". :)
> IMPERATIVE > > (tu) dzimet! > (vos) dzimetaci! > > Infinitive: a dzimete > Past participle: dzimetetu > Pres participle: dzimetavsciu >
/dzimetavSu/? What a strange word to pronounce :)) . Does this present participle formation come from Slavic langs?
> > IRREGULAR VERB: a esta "to be" > > PRES IND IMPERF IND FUT IND SHORT IMPERATIVE > > go su go aira esmeu > tu yes tu aires esmeres sei! > il ye il aira esmea > nos sme nos airame esmerme > vos ste vos airate esmeres fici! > eis scia eis airaya esmeren >
I like those initial clusters in /sm/, it looks so nicely un-Romance :) .
> Infinitive: a esta > past part: fusu > > Like this also are conjugated verbs like a abesta "to be away" >
So you kept the Latin compound verbs "prefix+esse"? Very nice. In my Reman, I think I didn't keep those compounds, but on the other hand developped a lot of compounds with iri: to go.
> > IRREGULAR VERB: a mea "to go" > > PRES IND IMPERF IND FUT IND SHORT IMPERATIVE > > go meu go irya irmea > tu meres tu ires irmeres ba! > il mea il ira irmea > nos merme nos irme irmerme > vos meres vos ires irmeres meci! > eis meren eis iren irmeren >
Where do the infinitive and present forms come from? Christophe.


Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>