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Re: by. The "If you call me insane again..." page, at long last!

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Monday, July 30, 2001, 22:28

I just translated the thing into Tyl Sjok:

E: If you call me stupid again, I'll eat your other eye!

> Lak tos kyngka jes jo hw tjani le kel ljot je long kul!
must name lost mind I when new EMPH cause swallow you eye two `hw tjani' is the standard expression for `again', but in order to have the word `two' in both sentences, making a nice reference, you might want to say `hw kul' (`to happen a second time') instead:
> Lak tos kyngka jes jo hw kul le kel ljot je long kul!
must name lost mind I when two EMPH cause swallow you eye two `must' is used as an imperative mood marker. Here, it emphasis the threat. X-Sampa: [ lE.kE.ljV.djE.lV.N.gM.l_0] . = mora boundary LIT: `Call me (having a) lost mind a second time! (That) definitely causes your second eye (to be) eaten!' (the literal translation does not really reflect the structure well, though) **Henrik